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Urania Berlin, June 6-7, 2011

isabel's blog

Only one more month to go

BerlinBuzzwords 2011 is left only one month left until the big Search,
Store and Scale opensource crowd is gathering in Berlin on June 6th/7th.

The conference again focuses on the topics search, data analysis and NoSQL.

Announcing the Berlin Buzzwords schedule

We are proud to announce the Berlin Buzzwords schedule. With Doug Cutting and Ted Dunning two awesome keynote speakers could be convinced to join us.

In contrast to last year's the conference will feature three tracks. Both days focus on scalable search, NoSQL, Apache Hadoop and messaging. We are looking forward to an awesome conference featuring talks by Jakob Homan talk the new security features of Apache Hadoop, Shay Banon on Elastic Search, Jonathan Gray on Facebook's use of Apache HBase for their Messaging system and Tim Lossen on Redis.


Berlin Buzzwords is growing into the city of Berlin a little bit this year. We would like to share our current draft program with you. A detailed schedule will be published soon.

Berlin Buzzwords Hackathons

We'd love to make people stay in town not only for two days of main conference but for the whole week. To achieve that goal we are currently talking to various people providing for professional trainings to take place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

In addition to trainings we would like to get Berlin Buzzwords people in touch with all the great local companies, co-working spaces and universities: After the conference we will have Hackathons hosted by local partners. Tasks and schedules are provided for by community members.

Starting to publish speakers

As of today we are in the process of publishing accepted speakers. We received a huge amount of awesome proposals and are in the process of evaluating ways to extend the schedule this year to make some room for more presentations. Please expect a great lineup for this year's conference featuring many core developers of relevant projects as well as interesting use cases.

Some more impressions of 2010

Richard Wöber who took several impressive photos of last year's barcamp has released some more images of the Berlin Buzzwords conference in 2010 up on Flickr. Just in case you were wondering what the conference looked like - search for images tagged with "berlinbuzzwords" on Flickr.

Submissions closed - some statistics

As of today the call for presentations for Berlin Buzzwords is closed. We received nearly 100 submissions this year and are now busy reading, rating and ranking the proposals. Judging from a first scan there are many awesome submissions of technical presentations so it will be extremely easy to provide a great schedule but also extremely hard to make a selection.

We will start publishing more details on accepted speakers in the next few weeks. Until then we have prepared some initial glimpse at the talks waiting for you that we would like to share with you.

CfP Contest: Extended deadline

We are amazed by how many submissions we received until today. We got way more submissions than at Berlin Buzzwords 2010. It is great to see so much interest in the topics of storing, analysing and searching data. Now we are in the happy position to have to come up with a way to squeeze as much great content into two days as will reasonably fit.

Updated deadline: Sunday, March 6th at midnight MST

Children welcome

We have been informed that several potential attendees of Berlin Buzzwords are parents. For those of you who are travelling from further away we'd like to make it as easy as possible to spend a little more time in Berlin together with your whole family.

One idea we had was providing day care facilities for children. However before going into any planning details we'd like to ask you if you'd be interested at all - and which offers would make such a package most helpful for you. Please fill out the form below to give us some more feedback.

One big family

At its very heart Berlin Buzzwords is a community organised conference - made by developers for developers. Being one large community we would love to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Especially when travelling from abroad it is stressful to fly in the day before the conference starts and fly out one day later. We would love to make it easier for you to spend some more time in the interesting city of Berlin by offering a special spouse package ticket.

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