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Urania Berlin, June 6-7, 2011


Barcamp Co-Ordination

  • When: 5.00pm - 9.30pm (registration from 4.30pm)
  • Who: Eligible are all registered attendees of Berlin Buzzwords. However only people who have put their name in the table below are guaranteed to be let in! Please sign up below, along with a brief bit of your interests.


In keeping with the main Berlin Buzzwords conference, we're going to be focusing on similar themes!

The overriding theme of the evening is NoSQL, with a side order of Search. We're especially keen for people to discuss, and give talks on:

  • Using NoSQL in new areas
  • NoSQL comparisons (eg which is the best project for different content problems?)
  • Deploying NoSQL - case studies and war stories
  • Searching - Apache Lucene + SOLR tips and tricks

However, being a BarCamp, the exact schedule won't be decided until the day, based on who comes, and what everyone wants to hear about and talk on!


  • Berlin Buzzwords - our sister event - 2 day conference on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th June on Search, Store and Scale
  • - kindly providing the venue
  • Alfresco - Food and Beer

If someone else would like to sponsor some more beer, then we wouldn't say no!



  • Everything is taking place on the evening of Sunday 5th June*

Note - schedule is still provisional, we hope to confirm the start time shortly!

  • 4.30pm - Doors open, registration begins
  • 5.00pm - Welcome, and Introduction to BarCamps session
  • 5.15pm - Session scheduling - you decide what you want to hear about!
  • 5.30pm - First sessions begin
  • ~ 7pm - Food arrives
  • 9.00pm - Sessions end
  • 9.15pm - Retire to a nearby pub for more beer

Most sessions will run for 30 minutes, so we should be able to get through a lot of different topics and interests over the course of the night! We'll aim to run multiple sessions (probably 2, sometimes 3) in different rooms.

Alfresco are kindly sponsoring some food for partway through the evening. We hope it'll be something similar to last year, but we're still working out the details. There will also be some free beer (again thanks to Alfresco), but alas no cash bar this year. We're checking on if people can bring their own beer too.


We're in the same venue as last year (though the name has changed!). are kindly hosting us in their office, which is the former Newthinking Store.

The venue is located at Tucholskystrasse 48, 10117 Berlin. Directions below.

As with last year, we hope to have one large room and two smaller rooms available for sessions.


If you'd like to help out, please sign up here! We're after people to help with:

  • Sponsorship
  • Registration (manning the desk, helping produce copies of the schedule etc)
  • Local advice (for people coming to the BarCamp and the conference)
    • Please also have a look at the conference wiki, and add more information there!
  • Maybe projectors, white boards etc, depends on the venue

Sign Up

We're slightly limited on space, so we'd ask that people wishing to come along sign up below. If the main section is full, put yourself on the waiting list, and we'll let you know nearer the time if we'll be able to squeeze you in....

To sign up, make sure you're signed in to the buzzwords site (see just under the banner), then click "EDIT" in the top left, and edit this wiki page.

Name Twitter / Homepage Interested in
1 Nick Burch @Gagravarr Organiser, Apache Tika, and what's hot in NoSQL!
2 Isabel Drost @MaineC Co-Organiser, All things scalable
3 Jan Lehnardt All things NoSQL (and Apache CouchDB of course)
4 Simon Willnauer @s1m0nw All things searchable (in particular Apache Lucene)
5 Björn Uhl All things about scale and search
6 Shay Banon @kimchy Founder, elasticsearch
7 Kristian Müller @kristian_m NoSQL, Co-Organiser (
8 Michael Wallace @m1ke_wallace CouchDB/BigCouch/GeoCouch
9 Lukas Vlcek @lukasvlcek the Search, the Life, the Universe, and Everything
10 Kai Gellien Search / NoSQL / BigData
11 Federico Brubacher @fbru02 ML / NoSQL/ BigData
12 Ryan Betts @ryanbetts Big data / real time analytics
13 Sascha Klein @Telegehirn NoSQL, Apache Lucene
14 Tim Sell @swanpants Data Science, HBase, Solr
15 Christopher Schmidt @fakod NoSQL, DFS, BigData, (Spatial-) Search, Scala
16 Thomas Koch Scala, Gerrit Code Review, Code Quality, CouchDB
17 Robert Jung - Hadoop, Analytics, CouchDB
18 Alessandro Vitale Mahout / BigData / Sentiment
19 Mathias Leppich @muhqu / CouchDB, RabbitMQ
20 Szymon Gładysz Real time analytics
21 Ivica Milosevic Ops @digg
22 Milan Stanojevic Ops
23 Janos Guljas Ops
24 Daniel Streiff Search
25 Komadinovic Vanja @vanjakom Big Data, Hadoop, No SQL
26 Stojanovic Luka Big data, zookeeper, CouchDB, analytics
27 Frank Conrad scale, big data, hadoop
27 Daniel Boekhoff hadoop, mongodb
28 Jasper Raedisch @jraedisch mongodb, scala
29 Ahik Man @ahikman NoSql, Scale, Deployment
30 Ruben Abad @ruabag Social Mining, Big Data
31 Oscar Marin Miro @oscarmarinmiro Social Network Analysis, Recommenders
32 Alejandro Gonzalez @nihilistBird Beer, Philosophy and Information Retrieval
33 Leonardo Menezes @leonardomenezes Solr, Big Data, Startup Ideas
34 Marco Machicao y Priemer google Solr, Lucene
35 Clinton Gormley @clintongormley ElasticSearch, Scale
36 Julien Nioche Crawl, Text Analysis, Search
37 Markus Weimer Yahoo! Computational infrastructure for large scale machine learning
38 Ate Douma Hippo NoSQL, Search
39 Mathias Stearn @mathias_mongo MongoDB
40 Rong Zhai @zhairong1975 nosql, hadoop, Social Network Analysis
41 Nick Telford @nicktelford Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra, scaling problems, distributed systems
42 Anders Rask Solr, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Elastic search
43 Sture Svensson Solr, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Elastic search
44 Tim Robertson SOLR, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Oozie
45 Lars Francke SOLR, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Oozie
46 Kyle Braak SOLR, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Oozie
47 Jose Cuadra SOLR, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Oozie
48 Andrea Hahn SOLR, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Oozie
49 Oliver Meyn SOLR, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Oozie
50 Markus Doring SOLR, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Oozie
51 Dragan Todorovic SOLR, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Oozie
52 Guenter Hipler Search, Hadoop
53 Andreas Jud Search, Hadoop
54 Mingjie Lai @mingjielai Hadoop, HBase
55 Eric Evans @jericevans Cassandra, NoSQL, Hadoop
56 Reinhard Poetz @reinhardpoetz NoSQL, HBase, Lily, Cassandra, Solr, Lucene
57 Anna Głazek
58 Daniel Naber Lucene
59 Dawid Weiss Lucene
60 Andre Schumacher SOLR, Lucene, Hadoop, Nutch, Mahout
61 Paweł Ledwoń NoSQL
62 Federico Mendez
63 Uwe Schindler!/thetaph1 Lucene
64 Daniel Truemper @truemped Solr/ElasticSearch, NoSQL, ZeroMQ
65 Stefan Antoni @suchkultur Search and more
66 Lars George @larsgeorge Hadoop, HBase, and Whirr
67 Alexandre Morgaut @amorgaut NoSQL, SSJS, REST, MDD, Wakanda
68 Manuel Meßner @mwm42 Hadoop, HBase

If the table above is full, please put yourself on the waiting list here:

Name Twitter / Homepage Interested in

Things we need

(please -cross out- if you're able to help out with something, and put your name next to it)

  • A projector for the 1st room
  • A projector for the 2nd room
  • Labels for people's names
  • Big flipcharts for writing the schedule onto
  • Coloured paper for writing session details on
  • Pens
  • bluetak etc
  • Beer? (Alfresco are kindly sponsoring some, but we could always use more!)
ntc will bring this:
  • Pens
  • Markers
  • colored A4 paper
  • white A4 paper
  • a roll of wrapping paper
  • a roll of white sticky foil
  • a pair of scissors
  • masking tape
  • scotch tape
  • a projector
  • a big LCD screen (should be fine to replace/subsitude a second projector)
  • power and vga cable for those
  • name tags
  • chairs

Getting There

The venue is the former Newthinking Store, now the Office, which is where we held the event last year.

The address is: Tucholskystr. 48, 10117 Berlin

To get to BarCamp from the main conference venue: Take the M29 Bus from outside the venue to Checkpoint Charlie, then the U6 subway line to Oranienburger Tor, and finally it's a short walk down Linienstrasse. For more details see also the route planner at

The venue is centrally located. Well, Berlin does not have just one city center ;) However, the venue is located in the district Mitte, which in English literally means "center".

Tags for twitter flickr, delicious, ma.gnolia, technorati etc.

We'll be using the tag #bbuzz , in common with the main conference

What to bring

  • Yourself!
  • Laptop
  • All the chargers/cables you'll need
  • A plugboard (powerstrip) to make sure we have enough sockets
  • If you're using a Mac for a presentation, VGA adapters
  • Spare battery (if you need one to last 5+ hours)
  • Camera
  • An idea for a session, presentation, talk or hacking. Whatever, it's your choice!
  • A smile
  • ...?